Friday, October 4, 2013

The Muppet Movie: An Odyssey

The Muppet Movie:  An Odyssey

As the saying goes: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Pishaw I say. Phooey I say. When life gives you lemons, pop in a copy of "The Muppet Movie". Sit down on your couch, slip your arms through your Snuggie, and curl up to the best feel good movie this side of, well...anywhere.

Not only does this 1979 movie bring with it a cavalcade of stars - a virtual who's who from days gone by - it's a movie with a heartwarming tale to tell. I say this only with the slightest of wry smiles:
"The Muppet Movie" can change your life.
The plot itself is simple. A contented frog sits in a swamp strumming on his banjo and singing a lovely tune, as most frogs do. It's a known fact that Frogs are to banjos what Newton is to gravity. This fact is probably on a college entrance test somewhere. I digress. A contented frog sits in a swamp and a young and chubby Dom Deluise rows by in a canoe. He happens to be a Hollywood agent who sees potential in our sweet amphibian. Before being chased off by a' gator, Dom gives inspiration to our protagonist, and provides him with a dream he never knew he even had: To be a movie star and make millions of people happy.

Example #1 of how the "Muppet Movie" can change your life: Provides Encouragement -A man talks to a frog in a swamp and sees his potential. He not only sees his potential, he tells him he HAS potential. He not only tells him he has potential, but encourages him to ACT on his potential. A lovely message for all ages. Whether you're a banjo-strummin' frog or not.
Kermit THE frog decides to roll the dice and sets out to conquer Hollywood. In addition to singing and playing an instrument, Kermit is also an avid bicyclist - riding a nifty Schwinn through town. He is spotted by the evil Doc Hopper, who wants Kermit for his good looks, but mostly for his legs. You see, Doc Hopper is a restaurateur, and Kermit would be ideal for his french-fried Frogs Legs menu-delicacy. Kermit is rightly appalled, and turns him down flatly.

Example #2 of why the "Muppet Movie" can change your life:  Promotes Goals- Kermit could have taken Doc Hopper's offer and been a very wealthy frog. He would have been famous and probably made a bunch of people - maybe not millions- but a bunch of people, happy. Kermit had integrity and did not let the tantalizing carrot of quick wealth and instant fame sway him from his morals. Go Kermit.
After leaving Doc " hopping" mad, Kermit continues on his journey. He happens upon a restaurant that serves the lowest of low - aptly named the "El Sleezo Cafe" - and watches a stand-up comedian dodge flying vegetables as he tells corny jokes. The comedian, a fuzzy bear in a Pork Pie hat and polka dot tie, ends up being overtaken by the crowd. Tossed in to the air and caught on the ceiling fan, the bear is finally catapulted off and lands behind the bar. Luring the patrons outside with a promise of drinks "on" the house, Kermit and Fozzie the Bear have time to chat. Kermit and Fozzie hit it off, with Fozzie quickly offering up his hibernating Uncle's Studebaker, as well as his company to Kermit. The two set off as fast friends.
Example #3 of how the "Muppet Movie" can change your life:  Encourages Sharing - Kermit didn't have to tell Fozzie where he was going. Hollywood is a cut-throat town and everyone is an enemy. Human to human. Frog to Bear. It matters not. Fozzie didn't have to offer up his Uncle's car as transportation, he could have let the frog fend for himself, knowing that a ruthless Doc Hopper is hot on his tail. Both Kermit and Fozzie knew that working together would help them both.
Evading Doc Hopper again, Kermit and Fozzie travel the highways and byways on their trek to Hollywood. Along the way they meet many unique and quirky characters:

Gonzo - a plumber who loves his chicken, Camilla, but does have a wandering eye; Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem - a rock and roll band who help to disguise the Studebaker by painting it a camouflage of rainbows and sparkles; Rowlf - The piano playing dog who knows the blues and, finally; Miss Piggy - The Beauty Queen-winning pig who has her eyes set on Hollywood, but her heart set on Kermit.
Example #4 of how the "Muppet Movie" can change your life: Demonstrates Love - In the "Muppet Movie" world there's no such thing as impossible love. A purple, hooked-nosed alien creature can love a chicken, while a blue-eyeshadowed blond pig can love a simple frog. This is not frowned upon or looked at as crazy. It is accepted and understood.
Mayhem, car chases, and doubt ensue. Everyone Kermit meets wants to go with him to Hollywood. Not just because they want to catch a star, but because Kermit provides hope. Kermit is such a pure froggy soul, that no one can question his intent or integrity. His generosity and spirit of giving provides a refuge to this haphazard crew of Muppets. They have formed a group and are united in a goal; standing behind and for one another.
I won't spoil the ending or reveal more of the plot for those who have not yet watched the movie - or for those who haven't watched it in quite some time. I will reveal this, however: Muppets are better people than most people.

Example #5 of how the "Muppet Movie" can change your life: Gives Faith - The "Muppet Movie" leaves viewers with a sense of faith in humanity. While most of the humans in the film are corrupt or, at the best, disingenuous, the movie itself captures the pure idealism of faith in others. It shows how complete strangers can carry you on their shoulders, and how friendship can weather any storm. It provides faith in living your life, and experiencing life with those around us.
Like Odysseus, Kermit went on a long journey and faced many trials and foes. He had trusted friends, he became awakened to new experiences, he endured heartache, and he questioned the meaning of his journey. Like Odysseus, Kermit discovered who he was, and, in the end, what really mattered.
"The Muppet Movie" might be a kids movie. It might be comprised of puppetry and strings. It might be schmaltzy. It might be gooey. Hell, it's ALL of these things. It's also one of the best movies a person can watch when they've lost some of their faith in their fellow man...and themselves.
With Love
Lady Butterfly


  1. Well Karie, I'm sold. I've not seen it, I'm gonna call up my cousin (she's a huge Muppet fan) and see if she has this movie on DVD.

    You have the right attitude when things are bad. My movie of choice when I'm feeling low is The Big Lebowski. There is a magic to that movie that gives me hope, even if it is about drug abuse, kidnapping embezzlement and severed toes lol.

    Thanks for another great post Karie, they are the highlight of my weekend. Have a great weekend :D

    1. You must watch this movie, Ben. It cannot be oversold. Stop reading this comment and contact your cousin immediately :)

      PS I love the Big Lebowski as well. Whatever works for you :)

      Thanks as always for reading. You're the bees knees xo

    2. She has it, I just need to get off my backside and go and pick it up lol.

      Always a pleasure to read your posts Karie :D

  2. you just amaze me.. please get that novel finished, I'm getting old and dying to read it!!!!!

    1. Thanks so much Chris! I do need to gather my thoughts a bit more collectively and actually pursue the act of getting published. Does it count if I just print out my blogs and mail them as Christmas gifts? haha

      Thanks as always for your words of support. They mean the world to me.

  3. LOL the most in depth review of the Muppets I have ever seen and one of my all time favourite TV shows EVER. Loving it even more on the second read

    1. Lol. Who would have thought that as little children across the Atlantic we were watching the same thing on TV? Small small world, Squid. I adore the Muppets. To me, you either get it, or you don't. I'm glad to know that I have a kindred Muppet spirit.

      Thanks for everything :)

  4. I have watched each and every TV show of the Muppets...Loved them for years. Puts me in the same place as watching Little House on the Prairie...just seems like a simpler more caring times. Great piece...thank you!!

    1. Thanks so much Greta! I am a huge Muppet fan since...forever. My parents used to threaten me with it, saying "If you don't finish your vegetables, you can't watrch the Muppet Show." Those are some strong words for a Muppet fanatic.

      Thanks as always for reading and commenting :)
